Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Latest and Greatest

So I'm happy to report that Phil and I will likely one day be rich off our child because apparently she is going to be an amazing gymnast.....

WHY you ask?

Because suddenly she is breech again! So yeah, gymnast, and probably stubborn (can't imagine where she gets it from?!). :)

C-section scheduled for April 30th!! Ready to meet her already....pretty sure my "bump" is about to fall off too, so it's getting to be that time!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hospital Tour!

So we spent part of our afternoon touring the hospital where we will deliver Baby Martin....what a surreal experience!  Sent me into freak-out mode a little to realize that it's just around the corner that we will finally get to meet Baby Martin!  

Two weeks people! Getting real!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

You know that "Uncomfortable stage" everybody mentions....

Yeah. That hit officially this week.  Yesterday I noticed that the top of my "bump" was feeling more stretched and the bottom was feeling more heavy....well I guess little one has set up camp a little further south then she has been because everybody has been commenting (and I have been feeling) that she "dropped."

And I guess with dropping comes swelling because my poor feet have finally reached that point.  :(  I am not good at resting and putting my feet up so this should be a new journey for me to learn!

Sunday, April 1, 2012


So had a friend (who I haven't seen in a while) tell me today that there's no way I am making it to my due date....which seems to be a popular opinion overall....

When I ask why she thinks that, she tells me that her aunt called it with her right before both of her girls were born because her lips "plumped up"--not like ugly plump I don't think, but like voluptuous plump.

Interesting....guess we shall see!