Thursday, March 29, 2012

Maternity Photos

So we decided we would document "the bump" for this first are the awesome pictures our photographer Ryan Lundberg took (same photographer that took the engagement pictures of Phil and I with 8 week old baby Rawlin).....


Fair warning....there are some bare belly shots!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

And let's get caught up a little more....Baby Shower!

So time flies when a baby is on the way....that is, unless it's your baby and you're pregnant.  In that case, it feels like time stands still.  But on the plus side, you get to have fun putting together the room and celebrating the future arrival of the newest (and likely cutest) edition.

And you learn exactly how awesome your family is because they put together the most amazing baby shower (thank you Michele and Casey!!).

The bump....again, much smaller then it is right now!

The beautiful basket Michele made that matches her room (pics of that to come later!).  It's full of socks, mittens, wash cloths, pacifiers....all sorts of fun goodies!

The beautiful, and yes, yummy cupcakes and awesome diaper cake (props to Megan for that one!)

Four generations....Grams, mom, me and baby girl! 

I think people enjoyed buying adorable girl stuff! 

The lovely ladies from Phil's side of the family.....including my beautiful hostesses :)

Let's Get Caught Up...a little

So rewind about 34 weeks....

Ok, no don't rewind that far....that's not for public knowledge! How about we rewind to November when we had our first glimpse at what finally looked like an actual baby in there!  The good news was that baby was healthy and chances of chromosomal disorders were at the best they could possibly be!

Perinatologist wouldn't give us a guess at what we were seeing, but a week later my OB and his ultrasound tech did, so we had to keep a secret until our anatomy scan confirmed we were having a girl!

Here's an outside bump picture from that week....

Christmas (21 weeks--half way there!)

Wow I look small in this picture compared to where I am now!  More catching up to do later :)

Monday, March 26, 2012

And in a few weeks comes baby....

So we decided to create this blog in hopes of keeping everybody up to date on the comings of Baby Martin.  Right now I am 34 weeks along but I'm pretty sure I look like I could pop at any moment!  We are excited to have Baby Girl join our family on the outside, but can definitely wait a few more weeks to have her here (keep cooking little one!).

Keep checking here for updates and eventually pictures of our newest edition--Mini Martin :)